Print document from cross-origin iframe

When you need to show content from some other site, such as Google Docs, you can easily embed it inside an iframe. Google Docs even generates it for you. But what if you need to print that document via some button click? You can not do that, because the cross-origin policy does not allow it. You have basically …

Workaround for ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError in async pipe

Imagine that you have this piece of code, where userInfo$ is Observable and it value is not yet emitted. <app-change-email [currentEmail]=”(userInfo$ | async)”></app-change-email> The code works, but it will report error ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError to the console (only in dev mode). That is because the component has received the value, but the value has changed later. Angular …

Angular custom event bubbling

Custom events in Angular by default do not bubble up. It is because they are not really events, they are based on EventEmitter, which is similar to pub/sub mechanism. You can read lengthy discussion about it on Angular’s Github. Unfortunately the examples provided by Angular team often mention $event as named parameter in the event listener, …

Node_modules versus Docker

I’ve encountered strange error lately. Whenever I tried  to run npm install in my project’s folder, it failed. The error says something about not being able to unlink folder. The interesting think was that it only happened under certain circumstances. The reason for this was the when I started docker compose up to run my …