Delayed hover event in Angular

Use case: Display tooltip only after user has been hovering for some time already. If he leaves sooner, then do not display anything. Technologies Angular, RxJs, Ngx UntilDestroy Authors David Votrubec and Luďek Cakl Implementation The logic behind is that we combine two streams. One stream is for the mouseenter event, and the other is …

Ctrl-click directive in Angular

Angular has lot of built-in directives for listening for events like click, dblclick, mousein, mouseout etc. But sometimes you need something more sophisticated, like detect ctrl-click. I did not find any directive which would suit my needs, so I had to write my own. Be aware that normal browser behaviour for ctrl-click is to open …

Provide username and password for git clone

There are situations when you need to clone some privately hosted git repository, which is accessible only via http. (Yes, I know it is not secure, but that was not my choice). Ssh access is not provided, and neither is https. The only access is via http accessible on VPN. The connection is protected with …

Awaitable http(s) request in Nodejs and Pulumi

Pulumi is a great tool for quick and easy deployment to cloud. It provides nice abstraction above several cloud providers, such as AWS, Kubernetes or Azure. But it also has some drawbacks. The biggest plus is that you can define your lambdas, tasks etc in single index.js file and import dependencies from other npm packages. …

File validators in Angular

Whenever you allow users to upload files to your server, you should have both client side and server side validation. Most likely you will validate file size and file type, identifiable by the file extension. FileValidator covers all three aspects. Example of usage is below the source code. If you are using Angular, you can …

Angular (click) not fired and how to fix it

Sometimes, very rarely, you can run into situation then Angular does not fire the (click) event. Or it fires later, on the 2nd click. It can be really hard to debug and figure out what causes it. So here are my two cents. This can be caused by view being updated while user clicks. What …

How to migrate Pulumi stack

Pulumi is a great abstraction layer above AWS and other cloud infrastructure. It enables to quickly deploy and update your cloud. But what if you have several AWS profiles, eg: several private ones and one or more which belongs to a company? Your private one is the default and you use it to deploy … Aaaah, …