TwitterNow bookmarklet

Have your ever wanted to add simple tweet with url of interesting blogpost you are currently reading? I’ve found a simple javascript bookmarklet which does just that. It opens a new twitter popup window with generated message so you can customize it if you want to. And if you select part of text in web page it will be automatically added to the tweet as well.

Bookmarklet (drag it to your links – PS: you might need to add a name to it)

Source code:

javascript: void(open('' + escape(document.title) + '&text=' + escape(document.selection ? document.selection.createRange().text : (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : (document.getSelection ? document.getSelection : ''))) + '&url=' + escape(location.href), 'twitIt', 'scrollbars=no,width=550,height=250,top=175,left=75,status=yes,resizable=yes'))

See original page for other tips.