6 days in Beijing (part 3)

Rat race As one CouchSurfer put it: “I don’t think there is many happy people in China. It is very hard to follow one’s dream, only a few people can afford it. Most people know only hard work.” I’ve met some students, both in Haiyang and Beijing, and they told me that during their studies …

6 days in Beijing (part 2)

Food There are small stall almost on every street, everything is fresh (or at least it looks so :)) and prepared just in front of your eyes. We ate on street very often or in some low cost restaurants. The hygiene there is sometimes quite “dirty”, but the food tastes great. My colleagues warned me …

Pictures from Haiyang, China

Haiyang in China is what locals call “city in developement”, but I would argue it is one of those infamous ghost towns. There is lot of high-rise buildings where nobody lives. Some of these empty houses shine at night with bright colors, it looks like Las Vegas. The lights are beautiful and weird at the …

Jak jsme vyhráli Dart Hackathon

Musím říct, že to byl naprosto super hackathon. Skvěle jsem si ho užil, potkal jsem zajímavé lidi a dost dobře jsem se bavil. Kromě pár shlédnutých prezentací na webu jsem jazyk Dart neznal. A neznal jsem ani kluky, se kterými jsem se dal do teamu, Tibora a Martina. Během dvou dnů jsme společně napsali krásnou …

Dotless stack overflow exception

We have following .less snipet. It was no problem for the old dotLess compiler, but the new one (v 1.2.2) has problem in the .anonymousPersonImage class declaration. It results in Stack Overflow exception and dotLess stops working. Solution is to avoid having same names for mixins and classes. .personImage() { float: left; margin: 0px 4px …

Evoluce programátora

Zhruba před dvěma lety jsem se začal intenzivně zabývat programováním a věcmi kolem toho. Zvláště poslední rok byl hodně nabitý. Jedním silným impulsem byla kniha Coder to Developer od Mika Gunderoye, respektive výtažek z knihy na TekPubu, druhým impulsem byl exkolega @MicTech – líbilo se mi jeho nadšení pro věc a používané nástroje. Dále pak akce …

How to set default browser in Visual Studio 2010

After every upgrade of Resharper I always encounter the same annoying error: Default browser in Visual Studio is reset to default browser in Windows. I use Chrome but when I need to debug JavaScript I always use Internet Explorer with VS. It’s by all means the best debugging tool for JavaScript I’ve encountered (I know …