jQuery.extend() is a very powerful function for merging two objects or for extending jQuery with custom plugins. There is but one little gotcha to think about: as in most function calls the order of parameters matters 🙂 Following two fragments of code yields different objects var a = { aa : ‘1’ , bb : …
Author Archives: David Votrubec
Criticism of AmWay, HerbaLife and Kiyosaki’s followers in general
Motto “Man speaks about what he doesn’t live” I am reading Kiyosaki’s famous book Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I find it very inspiring. Kiyosaki is also the author of board game Cashflow. Both book and game are very good. But to play the game I had to find someone who has it. I met …
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Convert local time to UTC time in Javascript
This might come in handy. Simple function which converts local time to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). It accepts single argument of type Date. //converts local time to UTC (Universal Time) function toUTC(/*Date*/date) { return Date.UTC( date.getFullYear() , date.getMonth() , date.getDate() , date.getHours() , date.getMinutes() , date.getSeconds() , date.getMilliseconds() ); } //toUTC()
Proposal for WordPress plugin – customScript
<script src=”http://demos.davidjs.com/customScript/raphaeljs.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript”charset=”utf-8″>window.onload=function(){var r=Raphael(“holder”,640,480),p=r.path(“M295.186,122.908c12.434,18.149,32.781,18.149,45.215,0l12.152-17.736c12.434-18.149,22.109-15.005,21.5,6.986l-0.596,21.49c-0.609,21.992,15.852,33.952,36.579,26.578l20.257-7.207c20.728-7.375,26.707,0.856,13.288,18.29l-13.113,17.037c-13.419,17.434-7.132,36.784,13.971,43.001l20.624,6.076c21.103,6.217,21.103,16.391,0,22.608l-20.624,6.076c-21.103,6.217-27.39,25.567-13.971,43.001l13.113,17.037c13.419,17.434,7.439,25.664-13.287,18.289l-20.259-7.207c-20.727-7.375-37.188,4.585-36.578,26.576l0.596,21.492c0.609,21.991-9.066,25.135-21.5,6.986L340.4,374.543c-12.434-18.148-32.781-18.148-45.215,0.001l-12.152,17.736c-12.434,18.149-22.109,15.006-21.5-6.985l0.595-21.492c0.609-21.991-15.851-33.951-36.578-26.576l-20.257,7.207c-20.727,7.375-26.707-0.855-13.288-18.29l13.112-17.035c13.419-17.435,7.132-36.785-13.972-43.002l-20.623-6.076c-21.104-6.217-21.104-16.391,0-22.608l20.623-6.076c21.104-6.217,27.391-25.568,13.972-43.002l-13.112-17.036c-13.419-17.434-7.439-25.664,13.288-18.29l20.256,7.207c20.728,7.374,37.188-4.585,36.579-26.577l-0.595-21.49c-0.609-21.992,9.066-25.136,21.5-6.986L295.186,122.908z”).attr({stroke:”#666″,opacity:.3,”stroke-width”:10}),over=r.path().attr({stroke:”#fff”}),e=r.ellipse(295.186,122.908,5,5).attr({stroke:”none”,fill:”#fff”}).onAnimation(function(){over.attr({path:”M295.186,122.908L”+this.attr(“cx”)+”,”+this.attr(“cy”)+”z”});});e.clone();e.attr({rx:7,ry:3});var rotateAlongThePath=true;function run(){e.animateAlong(p,2e4,rotateAlongThePath,function(){e.attr({cx:295.186,cy:122.908,rotation:0});setTimeout(run);});rotateAlongThePath=!rotateAlongThePath;};run();var logo=r.set(r.rect(13,13,116,116,30).attr({stroke:”none”,fill:”#fff”,rotation:45,opacity:.2}),r.path(“M129.657,71.361c0,3.812-1.105,7.451-3.153,10.563c-1.229,1.677-2.509,3.143-3.829,4.408l-0.095,0.095c-6.217,5.912-13.24,7.588-19.2,7.588c-3.28,0-6.24-0.508-8.566-1.096C81.19,89.48,66.382,77.757,59.604,60.66c3.65,1.543,7.662,2.396,11.869,2.396c15.805,0,28.849-12.04,30.446-27.429l22.073,22.072C127.645,61.351,129.657,66.201,129.657,71.361zM18.953,85.018c-3.653-3.649-5.663-8.5-5.663-13.656c0-5.16,2.01-10.011,5.661-13.656l14.934-14.935c-3.896,13.269-5.569,27.23-4.674,40.614c0.322,4.812,0.987,9.427,1.942,13.831L18.953,85.018zM44.482,46.869c3.279,25.662,23.592,50.991,47.552,57.046c3.903,0.986,7.729,1.472,11.432,1.472c0.055,0,0.107-0.005,0.161-0.005l-18.501,18.503c-3.647,3.646-8.498,5.654-13.652,5.654c-3.591,0-7.021-0.993-10.01-2.815l0.007-0.01c-1.177-0.78-2.298-1.66-3.388-2.593c-0.084-0.082-0.176-0.153-0.26-0.236l-3.738-3.738c-7.688-8.825-12.521-21.957-13.561-37.517C39.736,70.853,41.149,58.578,44.482,46.869″).attr({fill:”#f89938″,stroke:”none”,opacity:.5}),r.circle(71,32,19).attr({stroke:”none”,fill:”#39f”,opacity:.5}));logo.translate(245,177);};</script> You will only see the demo animation if you click link to this post Motivation For this blog I am using WordPress and I am quite happy with it, but I miss one feature – the ability to add custom javascript code to given post. I do not …
Continue reading “Proposal for WordPress plugin – customScript”
Problem with printing background images
I have recently wasted almost two hours trying to figure out why some HTML based report wont display logo in its header. I am quite sure this will make someone else’s life easier, so I am sharing it. The problem is that most browsers ignore background-image and background-color. So whatever I did I could only …
Amazon Kindle – personal review
I’ve bought Amazon Kindle about a month ago, so it is about time to write some review. Generally I am very satisfied with it. I don’t think I should repeat all the positive reviews available on the Net, it would be quite unnecessary. So just to sum it up: Buying books to Kindle from Amazon with …
So, is the world really faster?
Every now and then I hear people complaining that the world is now much faster than it used to be in time of our grandparents. But is it really so? Did people complain about that very fact in their time? Another common complain is that parents now have less time for their children or their …
Environment and productivity
What kind of environment is best for work? Do you work in such? When I worked for IBM I was confined in a cubicle in a big open-space. It was an experience I don’t want to go through again. The environment was “noisy by default”, there was a continuous sound-spam of chatting people. It was …
I’ve started using Memolane
Recently I have stumbled across an interesting startup called Memolane. It is an unorthodox aggregator of various social media sites, YouTube, RSS feeds et cetera. I find it very useful. We all publish and share bits of our life to various sites, with different groups of friends, and Memolane collects them all back together, so everything is …
Look at the stars … and see code
starryNight plugin API This is an update to my previous post. I wrote nice to look at animation on top of jQuery called starryNight. It takes a <div> element and add moving stars on top of it. Stars are slowly floating across the sky, and when they finally flow out of the sky (or <div> …