Whenever you allow users to upload files to your server, you should have both client side and server side validation. Most likely you will validate file size and file type, identifiable by the file extension. FileValidator covers all three aspects. Example of usage is below the source code. If you are using Angular, you can …
Author Archives: David Votrubec
Angular (click) not fired and how to fix it
Sometimes, very rarely, you can run into situation then Angular does not fire the (click) event. Or it fires later, on the 2nd click. It can be really hard to debug and figure out what causes it. So here are my two cents. This can be caused by view being updated while user clicks. What …
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How to migrate Pulumi stack
Pulumi is a great abstraction layer above AWS and other cloud infrastructure. It enables to quickly deploy and update your cloud. But what if you have several AWS profiles, eg: several private ones and one or more which belongs to a company? Your private one is the default and you use it to deploy … Aaaah, …
Dockerizing Angular/Web3 app
Web development these days is often more about combining various npm packages then actuall programming. And the packages incompactibility can be extremely frustrating at times. When you add crypto to this mix, it becomes even wilder. Truffle framework promises to ease some problems with deployment of smart contracts, but it introduces other hard-to-debug problems. Recently …
Insert script tags in Angular components
Sometimes you just need to insert 3rd party script tags into Angular Components. It is definitely not very common, and Angular does not make it easy for you. What ever script tag you define your component’s template, will be simply cleared out. Not even a html comment will remain. So I you really need to insert a …
Workaround for eternal problem with node-gyp on Windows
This is super annoying. Reliance on node-gyp on Windows is such a pain! The error description says the it can not find the Python executable, even though it is there. There is a workaround – 2021 SOLUTION Re-Install node-gyp globally – npm install -g node-gyp@latest Delete node-modules Delete package lock file Reinstall all packages again (pnpm i …
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Convert exponential numbers to decimal form in Javascript
As almost every developers knows, Javascript has notorious problems when working with really big or really small decimal numbers. The reason is floating point. Purpose of this article is not to explain why it behaves the way it does, there are much better resources dedicated just for that. You can read the explanation here or here. There …
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Decimal number is not a number!
You have an input field, where user can enter decimal values. Problem is, that some cultures use decimal point “.” and some uses decimal comma “,”. So what is a valid number in one culture, is not a number at all in a different culture. You can see the full list of differences on wikipedia. There is no built-in …
Angular – .map is not a function
I’ve encountered really weird error. After I’ve removed clearly unused code, our Angular app stopped working. It did however pass lint tests and also the production build passed without problems. The error occurred only during runtime. The error said something like “map is not a function at blablabla” and on the first glance it was totally …
Invoke native element method with Angular 6
The useful method invokeElementMethod() has been removed from the new Renderer v3 in the upcoming version 6 of Angular. What does it mean? For example it is now harder to invoke focus() on input field or create custom native event, which bubbles up. The motivation of the Angular team is that this method has not been …
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