Custom command line shortcuts with Doskey

I’ve learned this nice trick from Petr Horáček aka Besir while working on Nakamotox. So the credit goes to him. You can define custom commands via doskey (only on Windows) and then invoke them via command line. It is quite powerfull, because you can define alias for command with predefined attributes, so it save you lot of repetitive …

Proč vám to tak trvá?

Můj překlad vtipné a výstižné odpovědí na zásadní otázku, proč jsou softwarové projekty téměř vždy tak brutálně pozadu. Originál zde: Krásná analogie Pojďme na pěší tůru ze San Fransica do Los Angeles za kamarády. Půjdeme podél pobřeží a na mapě vypadá trasa následovně. Cesta je dlouhá zhruba 400 mil, průměrná rychlost chůze jsou 4 míle …

Asshole Driven Development

I’ve recently stumbled upon a book called “Say no to assholes” (Link to blog post in Czech) and it immediately reminded me of my past job. I don’t want to slander anyone, I just want to share it as a warning and encouragement. I worked there for about a year, which is enough time to know how Asshole …

The value of beautiful code

During my rather short period of Pair Programming I have learned something valuable, but there is also something I’ve learned after that. Michal Tehnik left the company and I continued to work on code we wrote and then refactored and polished together several times. It is probably the best piece of code we have now …

On pair programming

Several times I programmed in pair and I want to share my experience with it.  What are the main benefits of pair programming? The code is of better quality, because there is always the other person watching over your shoulder and seeing what you have overlooked. Wikipedia says that defect rates are about 15% to …