Image this: You are working on a new functionality. You open up your IDE and start hacking away. You create several new files, invest your time and effort and then you accidentally delete the wrong file. No problem, that’s what we have Git for, right? But you forgot to add that now deleted file to …
Tag Archives: VisualStudio
VisualStudio has problem when multiple versions of Typescript are installed
You can have several versions of Typescript installed on your machine and each project in Visual Studio can be configured to use different version by specifying that version in .csproj file. Like this But you might still have problems with IntelliSense for some native javascript objects. VisualStudio uses file lib.d.ts to learn interfaces of window objects, events, …
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How to set VisualStudio 2015 to always run “as Administrator” in Windows 10
You might have the same problem like me after upgrading to Visual Studio 2015. The project could not be loaded because it depended on IIS and to run IIS it needed administration rights. Solution? Run VS as Administrator. Better still? Make sure that it always runs under administrator rights. Just follow these simple steps 1) …
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Fun with Microsoft :)
I’ve found this piece of code in HTMLTextWriter.cs (line 710) . I think it’s quite amusing… I would never expect it there. Enjoy 😉
How to set default browser in Visual Studio 2010
After every upgrade of Resharper I always encounter the same annoying error: Default browser in Visual Studio is reset to default browser in Windows. I use Chrome but when I need to debug JavaScript I always use Internet Explorer with VS. It’s by all means the best debugging tool for JavaScript I’ve encountered (I know …
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StaticExtension not found
I have encountered funny bug/feature when I was writting first xaml file in my new project. I used the StaticExtension the way I was used to… and for some obscure reason it did not work. This is what I typed: <Someclass SomeProperty=”{x:Static SomeOtherClass:SomeStaticProperty}”/> But Visual Studio did not like it and complained that Static is …