Input fields with dynamic width in Angular

Have you ever typed text into small input field and did not see the whole text at once? It can be really frustrating. Textareas can be natively resized in most browsers today, but plain old input fields can not. To address this I have written small Angular directive. See it in action in the video …

Delayed hover event in Angular

Use case: Display tooltip only after user has been hovering for some time already. If he leaves sooner, then do not display anything. Technologies Angular, RxJs, Ngx UntilDestroy Authors David Votrubec and Luďek Cakl Implementation The logic behind is that we combine two streams. One stream is for the mouseenter event, and the other is …

Ctrl-click directive in Angular

Angular has lot of built-in directives for listening for events like click, dblclick, mousein, mouseout etc. But sometimes you need something more sophisticated, like detect ctrl-click. I did not find any directive which would suit my needs, so I had to write my own. Be aware that normal browser behaviour for ctrl-click is to open …