During the “work” (read HAVING FUN) on my side project I often need to reuse some of my older code. As a side effect I am building my own library of utility functions, some of which I occasionaly publish. Such as this one. I am sure it will be handy for my future self, and …
Category Archives: jQuery
Why do I have a side project?
From time to time I get possesed by an idea, which I want to implement. It is almost like if that idea was forcing me to make it happen. When this happens I can barely wait till the morning, so I can start coding and at least test, if that idea is doable. I had …
Surprises in Array.prototype.sort()
If you are developing for evergreen browsers, you are a happy developer. You will always have recent browser to work with, latest APIs and more or less stable and predictable behaviour. But when are developing software for some legacy browser, you may run into some weird surprises. In Merim where I work, we are developing …
Drag-n-drop in Angular as Observable
Observables are really fantastic and I learned to love them. The concept may be intimidating at first, especially the whole RxJS landscape. But it definitely pays off. Implementing drag and drop using Observables is actually quite simple and super handy. Here is my implementation. I also write for my future self, to save myself time. …
Jest vs “import statement outside a module”
Jest can be very helpful framework when testing your application. Until it isn’t. Sometimes it gets in the way, and to configure it properly can be quite tricky. Problematic use case So, you have just learned that it is better to use specific imports instead of the { destruct } syntatx. Why? Because it makes …
Continue reading “Jest vs “import statement outside a module””
Do not throw Error in constructors
Suppose that you need to instantiate a class, which takes some dependencies as parameters in constructor. I am mostly using Angular, so those dependencies are some injectable services in my case. Something like this: What do you think will happen if you try to instantiate this class? What will happen with that Error? How will …
ESLint sort-imports versus VS Code
Don’t get me wrong, both VS Code and ESLint are great tools, but sometimes they do not play nice together. Both have plugins, which are extending their functionality, and sometimes those plugins goes againts each other. One of such cases is ESLint and automatic sorting of imports in Typescript files. You can instruct VS Code …
Problem with NGCC
NGCC stands for Angular Compatibility Compiler, which recompiles various npm packages to Ivy format. Most of the time it “just works”, expect when it does not. There are configuration options for ngcc, which you can specify in ngcc.config.js file in root folder of your project. But sometimes this seems not enough. Sometimes the same code …
Load Image programatically with Promise
Image can be loading either in a standard way via setting the src property on the Image tag, or you can do it programatically. If you do it programatically, you can enhance the image loading with some magic, eg show a animated CSS placeholder while the image is being loaded. Or you can try several …
Mock window.location in unit tests
When you run unit tests (I am using Jestjs) on functions which read window.location.href or window.location.search, you need to somehow mock the value. Problem is that when you try to edit the value of window.location.search it will not work. Neither will work overriding it by Object.defineProperty(). But there is a simple workaround solution, and that …