I’ve written very simple jQuery plugin which prevents user from entering non-numeric values to input field. It is available on Github. Allowed values are “0-9 + – , .” //Example of use $(‘input’).numberField(); Live DEMO here Update: It was not possible to write numbers on czech keyboard in a way like “Shift+š”. Fixed now. Credits: …
Tag Archives: jquery
Rotate table cell content with jQuery
Rotating text via CSS is now relatively easy. There is a few of good tutorials and demos out there. But they lack one thing – they don’t explain how to rotate text in a table cell. Few days ago during pair programming with Michal Tehnik we run into trouble. We managed to rotate the text, …
Simple inheritance via jQuery.extend
Spoiler warning: This is not true inheritance as we are used have to in static languages. It is not even prototypal inheritance. It is merely an experiment to find out if it is possible to achieve (mock) inheritance using jQuery.extend() method. And yes, it is kind of possible. JQuery.extend basically copies properties from one object onto another. So …
Don’t forget to play
Sometimes I need to do something what is not useful at all, just for the fun of it. Someone plays World of Warcraft as a hobby, someone listens to music, drinks, draws.. whatever. I make animations in javascript. It’s half fun and half learning. I can try new things, I can experiment, discover …and what …
Fun with tooltips on a timeline
This is a fun script I created during my idle hours while at previous employer. I wanted to somehow mimic comix-like conversation but on a single image only. It was just for fun, but it can be however used to do something more useful;) What it basically does is that it displays tooltips in a …
jQuery.durationpicker plugin
[Important Notice: I’ve discovered some bug in demo of durationPicker. It runs correctly only in FF. I will fix it soon and notify you here.] Have you ever looked at Googles’s (excellent) calendar app and wished that you had the ‘event planing widget’ in your web form? Well, here is my own version, a …