Rotate table cell content with jQuery

Rotating text via CSS is now relatively easy. There is a few of good tutorials and demos out there. But they lack one thing – they don’t explain how to rotate text in a table cell. Few days ago during pair programming with Michal Tehnik we run into trouble. We managed to rotate the text, …

Včelí medvídci a (ne)vyměnitelné baterky

Baterky ve Včelích medvídcích oficiálně nejdou vyměnit. Výrobce (prý z bezpečnostních důvodů) baterii zašil dovnitř do hračky. Nám baterie vydrželi zhruba půl roku, pak začal čmelda zkuhrat hlady 🙂 Sice se ještě snažil zpívat, ale znělo to skoro strašidelně 🙂 Naštěstí se dá na zádech rozpárat a baterie vyměnit. V jednom místě je na zádech …

On pair programming

Several times I programmed in pair and I want to share my experience with it.  What are the main benefits of pair programming? The code is of better quality, because there is always the other person watching over your shoulder and seeing what you have overlooked. Wikipedia says that defect rates are about 15% to …

Simple inheritance via jQuery.extend

Spoiler warning: This is not true inheritance as we are used have to in static languages. It is not even prototypal inheritance. It is merely an experiment to find out if it is possible to achieve (mock) inheritance using jQuery.extend() method. And yes, it is kind of possible. JQuery.extend basically copies properties from one object onto another. So …